CEO Peer Groups: Your New Competitive Advantage?

February 18, 2025
Phil Krone

Owners, presidents, CEOs, COOs, and other senior executives who participate in peer-learning groups frequently credit them with playing an important—even critical—role in achieving business goals. But they’re not for everyone.

Ever since its most recent low point in 2008, the U.S. economy has been expanding along a path of successive highs and the concept of CEO peer groups has been expanding right along with it. In the Chicago area alone, several thousand owners, CEOs, presidents, COOs, and other senior executives participate in a few hundred such groups, which vary in size, cost, and specific purpose. Nearly all groups, however, operate on several key principles: sharing experiences, embracing confidentiality, and a willingness to share ideas and experiences so every member of the group continues to learn.

Do they work? As might be expected, participants say they do. And that makes sense because they’re paying to be members and investing time, perhaps their most valuable resource. Would they continue to invest if the groups didn’t pay off?

The available statistics bear out the concept’s effectiveness. On average, the companies of members in these groups experience faster gross revenue growth of 5 percent versus an industry average of 1.6 percent—or a difference of 200 percent. The companies also see, on average, profitability increases of twice as much—22.6 percent versus 10.3 percent.*

Key Point: While growth in size (revenue, number of employees, profit) can occur for companies in peer-learning groups, a strong desire to grow your company is not a prerequisite for membership. These groups also help owners, CEOs, presidents, COOs, and senior executives maintain their companies at any level of revenue or number of employees by helping them to weather business problems, which are ever present, and to increase profitability.

So why don’t all CEOs join a peer group? Well, as with just about anything, peer groups aren’t right for everyone. Key member requirements include openness and commitment to:

  1. Improving, especially through continuous learning
  2. Investing time and energy as a priority
  3. Sharing experiences—both successes and failures
  4. Listening critically, compassionately, and without expressing judgment
  5. Following a group’s processes and practices, some of which might seem counterintuitive.

In more than 25 years in business, through our own experiences and those of our clients, we’ve come to recognize the great value that these groups offer.

When we talk to peer-group members, they say they join because they:

  • Know from experience that it is lonely at the top. No one else at their company has their perspective.
  • Struggle to find people internally to help them thoroughly think through difficult decisions.
  • Understand that no one really holds them accountable—and that it’s not a good thing.
  • Face personal or family issues they need help with but don’t feel comfortable sharing at work or even with trusted advisors. Comment : It’s important to understand that these types of peer-learning groups are in no way designed for personal counseling or “group therapy.” They can offer valuable perspectives from business and leadership points of view.

Key Insight: One experienced CEO peer-group facilitator estimates that as many as half of the issues that impact companies led by members of his groups either are, or can be traced to, personal or family challenges.

  • Like to have a sounding board for bold, strategic moves they’re considering.
  • See value in sharing experiences, opportunities, and challenges with others who are unbiased.
  • Are especially concerned to gain more ideas for expense reduction and revenue enhancement.

In addition, of course, different companies vary in their knowledge and experience with new technology, business models, mergers and acquisition activities, regulations, expense reduction, revenue enhancement, and other business practices and influences. Peer-learning groups can be a great resource to guide you through such situations.

In the bigger picture, are CEO peer groups even needed? Data on US business formations and failures suggest that they are, at least as an innovative and proven support tool. In 2016, some 433,000 new businesses were formed; yet 400,000 went out of business.** In other words, our economy loses nearly as many new businesses as it gains. New businesses in that year added up to 8 percent of all operating businesses, which is significantly less than the 11 percent average seen from 1980 to 2010. For established companies, even more telling figures are that only about a third of new businesses make it to their tenth year and only 25 percent of family businesses make it to the second generation.

We see so much value in these types of groups that we decided to partner with the Chief Executive Network to launch one CEO peer group for manufacturers (which don’t compete with each other) early in 2020 and, later, another for non-competing distributors. Because they are professionally facilitated and follow a proven process, these peer-learning groups are highly efficient with your most valuable resources—your time and your energy.

You yourself might be interested or know owners, CEOs, presidents, COOs, or senior executives through your networks who already understand and appreciate what these groups are all about or who are simply curious. Please encourage them to contact me or share their names with us as you think it makes sense. We’ll take it from there by meeting with them and, together, determining whether they might be a good fit for our group—that is, whether there can be a fair exchange of value. The model is for the groups—manufacturing first, in this case—to meet four to six times each year, at times benefiting from expert outside speakers, and for members to receive one-on-one coaching sessions. Also part of membership is free attendance and participation in two major manufacturing conferences hosted by the Chief Executive Network each year.

If you’re looking for a proven and highly productive way to make your business as strong as it can be, please consider peer learning as a valuable resource. Just get in touch with me, Phil Krone at or 847-446-0008 Ext. 1. We can discuss your particular business situation to see whether peer learning might offer useful support.

* The Chief Executive Group, Guide to CEO Peer Networks, 2016. CEG is our partner in offering peer-learning group experiences.

** The U.S. Census Longitudinal Business Database, a research dataset of all U.S. businesses with paid employees listed in the Census Bureau’s business register, as reported in The Wall Street Journal , November 4, 2019.

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Several years ago, I helped a Wisconsin piece-part manufacturer compete for a multimillion dollar opportunity. They asked me who I wanted to take along from their company, and I said the chief engineer, the head of quality control, and a production representative. Day 1: On the plane ride to the East Coast, I let everyone know we were looking for information that would give us a competitive advantage. Without it our odds of winning would be one in three or one in four, depending on how many competitors we were facing. The prospect organized a get-to-know-you cocktail event that evening. There we learned that the project involved a complete redesign of a common household appliance. The prospect’s people were excited because they had already received a large Christmas order from a major retailer. Our team debriefed later. Despite getting to know each of our counterparts from the prospect, we had not learned anything that would give us a competitive advantage. Day 2: We met with departmental leaders, including purchasing. Before the meeting our head of quality assurance had breakfast with his counterpart. He had learned that a design issue had not yet been resolved and was causing intermittent failures in the prototypes. Our prospect’s quality assurance head explained that just before going to one of the vice presidents for budget approval, he and his colleagues were playing with a prototype that failed to function intermittently. They went to the meeting and did get the approval. But just as they were heading out the door the VP asked, “Do we have a working prototype?” The engineers said yes, pulled it out of a briefcase, and handed it to him, holding their breath. He tested it, and it worked fine. “Let’s go,” he said. When I heard that, I knew we had learned something that could help us win the business: our competitive advantage. We started the meeting with the buyer’s procurement team by asking what the project we were bidding on would mean to each of them. We heard a range of responses: • “This project has the potential to help me be promoted from a line manager to production manager.” • “There should be so few quality issues I might be able to go on vacation this year.” • “The bonuses will help me pay for my kids’ college expenses.” Clearly, the success of this program was important to everyone on their team. More Stories about Winning the Business Read similar stories in my new book, B2B Selling: Business-to-Business Marketplace Insights and Observations, which is available on Amazon . We asked about what might derail the project. Despite soft questions from us, nobody brought up the problem of intermittent failures that we knew about. Finally, I did bring it up without revealing how we knew about it. The discussion then turned more serious. Not only did the appliance not work, but to make the delivery promised to a major retailer for Christmas, the tooling construction had to be started immediately. But before that the design issue had to be fixed. We said we would like to spend the afternoon addressing the design problem and come back the next morning with a solution, if we could come up with one. Day 3: We were sitting in the buyer’s office waiting for the morning meeting to begin when our competitor called the buyer to see “how he looked” on the program. (We could hear the buyer say, “I don’t know how you stack up. I haven’t made the spreadsheet yet.”) This was a really interesting response for two reasons. First, adding up the piece price and the tooling amortization figure for three or four potential vendors in a spreadsheet would take five minutes, so the spreadsheet probably existed already. Second, and more important, was that even though the person calling was a current supplier the buyer did not tell him about the design issue. The company did not want a lot of people to know about the problem until they had fixed it. We knew about it because we were there. We had shown up. At the meeting with the procurement team, we reviewed what we had learned about their objectives for the project and the need to address the design issue. Before sharing our solution, I asked what would happen if they delayed the project to reengineer the product and missed their Christmas commitment to the retailer. The answer was that they would have a hard time getting an order for the following Christmas. I then asked what would happen if they went ahead and produced the product knowing there would be intermittent quality issues. The answer was that not only would this product have a hard time getting shelf space in the future, but the retailer might also reduce shelf space for other legacy products our prospect supplied. Of course, I wasn’t suggesting they do either of these things. I just wanted them to state the cost of the status quo out loud to emphasize the consequences of not resolving the issue. That in turn would emphasize the value of our solution. We then presented our solution to address the “have to start . . . can’t start” issue. We proposed starting the tooling immediately but staying away from the gear centers, which we believed were the source of the design issue. We also proposed building prototypes with different gear centers to resolve whatever issues there were. The prototype experiment would produce an optimal design in time to keep the tooling on schedule. Everyone was happy, and they asked us to drop by the next morning to pick up the order. Day 4: When we walked into the meeting, we could see something was wrong. We learned that they couldn’t award the contract to us because the approved project plan required them to use a current vendor to reduce risk. Why had we been asked to bid at all then? The plan also called for them to get three bids and one of their current suppliers had declined to bid. Key Point: When this kind of roadblock comes up, it’s important to stay calm and to focus on how to get the ball back in your hands. Before asking them if they could change the plan, I went over everything we had covered since day one: The importance of the success of the project for each person on the team, including what it meant to each of them personally; the importance of meeting the retailer’s demand for delivery in time for Christmas; that we were the only ones that knew of the design issue, and, most important, that we were the only ones with a potential solution. Then I asked if they could modify the plan. They had of course thought of that, but the VP who had approved the plan was out of the country. When this happens it is important to just ask the question that can bring the businesses back to you, in this case: Can we call him to see if he would approve the change? They made the call on a speaker phone so everyone could hear. His response wasn’t surprising. He was first of all unhappy that he hadn’t learned about the design issue sooner and that the vice president wasn’t told before approving the capital budget. Then he summed up the situation: “So what you’re telling me is that, first, we have a design problem none of our current vendors even know about let alone have a solution for. And, second, that you have a potential vendor on the spot who does have a solution and who can make the Christmas delivery date. Is that right?” After a pause, he said, “Change the plan!” We flew home that afternoon with the order. Here are the major takeaways: 1) The best way to gain an information advantage is to show up and do discovery in person. 2) If you can build bridges in addition to sales-to-purchasing, such as quality-to-quality, production-to-production, and engineering-to-engineering, you have increased the odds of learning what you need to know to gain a competitive advantage. 3) When told the business is not coming your way, but you know an order hasn’t been placed yet, keep asking what it would take to bring the project back to you. 4) Make sure your presentation is “prospect-centric”—that it is about the customer and his issues—not “seller-centric” and only about your capabilities. 5) If the program is large enough, or important enough, hiring outside resources to get the win can be a sound investment. 6) When following up on a submitted proposal, don’t ask “how do we look?” That reduces the discussion to price. Please get in touch with us directly at 847-446-0008 Ext. 1 or .
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